After researching dog breeds, I have decided on the predictable poodle. I've been to loving shelters and horrifying pet stores in search of my new companion. Monday, I took a drive and discovered puppy heaven. When I walked in, there was a poodle waiting for my love. I held her, and put her back in the pen.
As the days passed, I could not get that puppy off my mind. Today, I found my car headed in the puppy’s direction...35 miles away from my apartment. She rested in my lap, we played around the pen, and she loved to have her belly rubbed. I finally made myself leave after 45 minutes. This time? My heart hurt.
Will I get the puppy? I don't know at this point. She may be my subconscious attempt to connect with another life right now. Tonight? I'm in love.

That's my girl!