The first incident happened this morning/afternoon when I was too embarrassed to leave my hotel room because of my now limited wardrobe; I looked at my tired clothing for hours before I actually had the strength to leave. Maybe it was a mistake to send all of those clothes home. Sorry guys.
The second was during my trip to Old Navy to put emergency finishing touches on said sad outfit. I had to return an item that was not the size as marked on the plastic strip and hanger. However, I did not have a receipt. All the drama that ensued was going to be a part of that rant. I left the store with the correct size in hand but still a little miffed. There is nothing I hate more than condescending bitches. I would have rather she told me no she wouldn’t exchange the item than listen to her go on with such attitude. This reminded me of an incident over the weekend. I figured they were both because I'm now black AND fat.
My next trip was to the bank to make my deposits. When the teller returned my slip that revealed that I was now $550 over my goal I was elated. With the Old Navy bitch completely forgotten, I called my parents to share the good news. I had a very interesting conversation with my father. He didn't know it, but he reminded

In this world of theater where drama is in super-overdrive and people make things seem as if their lives depend on it, a person can forget that there is life to really enjoy. Getting caught up in all of the drama and beating yourself up over it is not always worth it. Sometimes we need to cut our losses no matter how much of ourselves we've invested, just to save the one you sometimes forget…Yourself.
Dad I love you.
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