Some people play fantasy football. I play fantasy casting. My spring game? The new Dreamgirls movie.
I'm also a BIG fan of American Idol. During Season 3 there was a Wild Card finalist that really caught my eye. After seeing Jennifer Hudson's performances of Circle of Life and Weekend in New England I was convinced that I'd seen the perfect Effie White. When I heard the Dreamgirls film was finally going into production my wheels started turning. Ms. Hudson has more than just a great voice. She is confident in her singing, unapologetic about her physicality (and pleasant to look at). While grand on stage, she is still a little rough around the edges which is a great complement to the ever "worldly" Beyonce Knowles who has been slated to be Deena for awhile.
During the American Idol 4 finale in May, I had a conversation with George Huff (who was quite gracious considering I was one of many crazy fans) about the movie and how I thought Jennifer would make a perfect Effie White. We exchanged several "fabulous, fierce, and over" comments and he mentioned that she was having a hard time getting someone to see her. A few months later I heard from a reputable source that Fantasia was going to be assuming the Effie White role. I was crushed.
But tonight? I stumbled across Broadway World's announcement...Jennifer Hudson would star in Dreamgirls as Effie. I'm still dancing around the living room.
For your amusement, here is my fantasy Dreamgirls Principal List:
Effie White.....Jennifer Hudson*
Deena Jones....Beyonce Knowles*
Lorrell Robinson....Fantasia Barrino
Michelle Morris(The Stepp Sister who competed at the Apollo who was seen at the end of Act I wearing the dress)...Anika Noni Rose
Curtis Taylor...Jesse L. Martin (I believe Jamie Foxx is actually cast in this role)
James "Thunder" Early...Jamie Foxx (I believe Eddie Murphy is actually cast in this role)
CC White...Usher (or Chester Gregory from Hairspray if Usher is unavailable)
Marty...Alton White (of the ever effervescent James Alexander for that matter)
* actually cast in the movie in the role
I guess I won't be getting Jennifer to star in my project. She is going to want big money after this movie.
Click here to listen to Jennifer Hudson.
While I'm thinking about fabulous singers in musicals, a big congratulations goes to my fellow Spelmanite Maia Wilson who is currently in a featured role in the Color Purple. I have heard from several people that she is a part of one of the best elements in the show. I knew she was a star in school. I feel lucky to have shared a stage with her.
I know I should know this (or maybe I shouldn't), but WHO IS WAYNE in Dreamgirls? I saw that Hinton Battle had been cast, but I have no idea what character it is.
I don't know who Wayne is. If I were to guess, I would say he is the music exec with whom Curtis starts the payola scheme. I know that Wayne appears in "Steppin' To The Bad Side", which is also the number with the show's longest dance break.
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