1. Baxter. He came into my life when he was merely seven weeks old. He cried through the night, had to relieve himself all day, and when I wanted to be up, he was sound asleep. I imagine my experience is a fraction of what new mothers go through. With that in mind, I may never have a baby.

Although I lack sleep, Baxter is adorable. I love the dog and my parents love him even more. I’m beginning to feel bad about denying my parents grandchildren…. just a little.
2. Currently I'm experiencing a mild crisis. Now that I've completed #4 on my "Pre-30" list, I feel it necessary to have a fulfilling job. My next gig is ending in 7 weeks and my lease in a different city is up in 7.5 weeks. Beyond that, I have no idea what to do with myself. The one thing I seem to know is that I must have my bed.

3. Lya's Fringe Festival production of Fantasy, Girl is coming along. Please pray that we all maintain our sanity. You can check out the show's website at www.2littlepeople.com.
4. D

Question of the day:
Randal was booed on the Aprentice Finale this week. Does America know that their hatred for him is racially motivated? OR Are we all living in the dark?
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